Simple simulated data, used to demonstrate the features of glmnet


Data objects used to demonstrate features in the glmnet vignette


These datasets are artificial, and are used to test out some of the features of glmnet.


x <- QuickStartExample$x; y <- QuickStartExample$y
glmnet(x, y)
#> Call:  glmnet(x = x, y = y) 
#>    Df  %Dev  Lambda
#> 1   0  0.00 1.63100
#> 2   2  5.53 1.48600
#> 3   2 14.59 1.35400
#> 4   2 22.11 1.23400
#> 5   2 28.36 1.12400
#> 6   2 33.54 1.02400
#> 7   4 39.04 0.93320
#> 8   5 45.60 0.85030
#> 9   5 51.54 0.77470
#> 10  6 57.35 0.70590
#> 11  6 62.55 0.64320
#> 12  6 66.87 0.58610
#> 13  6 70.46 0.53400
#> 14  6 73.44 0.48660
#> 15  7 76.21 0.44330
#> 16  7 78.57 0.40400
#> 17  7 80.53 0.36810
#> 18  7 82.15 0.33540
#> 19  7 83.50 0.30560
#> 20  7 84.62 0.27840
#> 21  7 85.55 0.25370
#> 22  7 86.33 0.23120
#> 23  8 87.06 0.21060
#> 24  8 87.69 0.19190
#> 25  8 88.21 0.17490
#> 26  8 88.65 0.15930
#> 27  8 89.01 0.14520
#> 28  8 89.31 0.13230
#> 29  8 89.56 0.12050
#> 30  8 89.76 0.10980
#> 31  9 89.94 0.10010
#> 32  9 90.10 0.09117
#> 33  9 90.23 0.08307
#> 34  9 90.34 0.07569
#> 35 10 90.43 0.06897
#> 36 11 90.53 0.06284
#> 37 11 90.62 0.05726
#> 38 12 90.70 0.05217
#> 39 15 90.78 0.04754
#> 40 16 90.86 0.04331
#> 41 16 90.93 0.03947
#> 42 16 90.98 0.03596
#> 43 17 91.03 0.03277
#> 44 17 91.07 0.02985
#> 45 18 91.11 0.02720
#> 46 18 91.14 0.02479
#> 47 19 91.17 0.02258
#> 48 19 91.20 0.02058
#> 49 19 91.22 0.01875
#> 50 19 91.24 0.01708
#> 51 19 91.25 0.01557
#> 52 19 91.26 0.01418
#> 53 19 91.27 0.01292
#> 54 19 91.28 0.01178
#> 55 19 91.29 0.01073
#> 56 19 91.29 0.00978
#> 57 19 91.30 0.00891
#> 58 19 91.30 0.00812
#> 59 19 91.31 0.00739
#> 60 19 91.31 0.00674
#> 61 19 91.31 0.00614
#> 62 20 91.31 0.00559
#> 63 20 91.31 0.00510
#> 64 20 91.31 0.00464
#> 65 20 91.32 0.00423
#> 66 20 91.32 0.00386
#> 67 20 91.32 0.00351